Let’s get going.
Why do I read? I read to discover. I read for enjoyment. I
read to cope. I read to connect. I read to escape. I read to learn. I read to
see. I read to relate. I read to feed my soul. How does reading do that? How
does literature…
Why literature? Why explore the lives and minds of
fictional characters? Why ponder plot, structure, genre, alliteration, rhyme,
and style? What importance does literature hold for this technical world? What importance is it to the nontechnical
world? What does it show us? What power do well placed words hold upon the
reader? Can we apply literature to the life away from the text?
How does it affect the mind? How does it affect society? How does it
enhance one’s life and the lives of others?
Is it important? And why?
Why do I ask these questions? Because…well...I guess I got me an inner drive to do so. How am I going to find the answers, you might ask, and is it possible? I’m going to search for the answers. How? Well, by answering them myself and by asking other people. I’m going to spend long hours thinking, talking, and writing. Most likely, I make a discovery while tying my shoes or handing someone change for a donut, gas, or a cup of coffee. Perhaps, I gain insight from a pal or professional on facebook. Perhaps, I’ll gather words of wisdom from a stranger while drinking beer at Chasers. Most likely, I'll make a discovery while tying my shoes or handing someone change for doughnuts, gas, or coffee. Who knows?
Now back to my Gevalia and The House of the Dead.
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