Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Lesson.

“Crawl, creep, and walk from this place. You have lingered far too long.”

20 years ago, as a young man, words exploded from my fingers. I ran without restraint along the trail, mindful only of the trees and the path before me.

Scholars dressed  in philological drapes gazed at the flames and bid me to stop.

"Too much," they said. "Too free. The fire is fine; however, no one wants to be burnt by your Promethean debauchery.

I gawked at their words and gazed their fine linen.

"Teach me, " I said and peered into gray eyes.

"Come," they said with twinkles and winks. "Come let us teach you the world we think."

So, off I followed. I learned many learned things. 

Along the way, my fingers burned less and less. My heart sought and yearned for knowledge. I learned how to gather. I learned how to discern.  With facts and ideas my head did swell. And the further I walked the more my fingers quelled. Until one day the fires went out.

Learned darkness surrounded me. I stumbled. I saw that I was alone. I did not know how to find my way home.

So, I there I lay, my mind all swollen. The ideas and facts, though given, felt stolen.

Then one day, whilst I was eating loam, I heard an inner voice peep and moan, "Crawl, creep, and walk from this place. You have lingered far too long.  Crawl, walk, and creep. Your fingers are fine. Nothing is wrong."

That idea with the others swished and swirled. My fingers lit up. I stood to my feet as the fire twirled.  I smiled and walked with swagger and sway, the fire from my fingers lighting the way. 

Friday, January 30, 2015

10 minutes..

Okay folks, once again I've put myself in a position where I am limited by time.  10 minutes. Yep, ten. How can I post anything in that amount of time. I have no idea. But here I go.

1:16 pm.  I've spent the whole day wasting my time. I awoke around 6 to see my wife off to work. At about 7:30 I went back to sleep.  I didn't have to work until 2 pm, so why not? I awoke again about 8 am or maybe 9, I don't know. I didn't look.  I set my alarm for an hour but snoozed it quite a few times, say over 6 slaps.  After waking, I took an shower, ate some frosted shredded wheat, and made coffee--Gevalia of course.

1:22 pm. Six more minutes. At about 9:30, I sat down on the maroon La-Z-Boy in the corner, turned on the lamp with pink and white shades, and started reading the last chapter of a Universe from Nothing by Lawrence Krauss.


It's 1:26. Time's up. Shit. Oh, well. Cheers.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Let's try this again.

 Alright folks, let's try this again. 

A few days ago, I stated that I was going to jot jittles, jangle tittles, blango blittles in this blog on a daily bases. Um, shit, I forgot. Well, not forgot. I just didn't make time. 

Time? Shit, you had time. You just didn't sit your ass down. Why? Because you were too busy fighting with your wife. You claimed to yourself, and her, that were too upset to write. What a lame ass.

Hello folks, I'd like to introduce you to my mind. He's a wonderful fellow.

You told the world you were going blog daily. You didn't. You were too upset. Come on man, tell the world about the shit you pulled.

Shut up dude. 


Okay, so I'm an ass.

You let your anal side take over.

That ain't nobody's business. 

Damn dude, you need to chill.

Well, folks that's my mind.  Ain't he grand?

It was about money.

I said it's between her and me. 


Hey, would you mind? I wish to get on with this. Okay?

Okay. Carry on. 

You sure.


Now where was I? I was saying that I didn't write in this blog due to time.

I am conducting an experiment. What is this experiment? Writing in my blog daily. What do I wish to accomplish?  I wanna see how my writing progresses and how the public responds to it.  Does this mean I will box myself in, adhering to public opinion?  I hope not. I wish to grow as a writer. I wish to learn how to make my writing more digestible. By digestible I mean, through daily practice and feedback, I wish to create better flow, glow, form, and phrasing. I wish to entice, inform, and/or entertain. I wish be myself. I wish to discover an audience.  I hypothesize that I can do this.  Please excuse the occasional excrement. 


That's what I said.


Shut up. . 

Sorry bro.

It's all cool. Let's end this entry.


Time for a smoke. Cheers.  

Thursday, January 22, 2015

15 Minutes

          Okay, here I go. I have only fifteen minutes to write this.

Fifteen minutes to tell you all that I'm conducting an experiment. I'm going to blog everyday. Yes, everyday. Why? Well, because a writer gots to write, right?  Why fifteen minutes. Well, that's the time I have right now. The oven's on, a smoke's in my mouth, and my wife gets off work at four. It's 3:30. I still have cut up the potatoes, cut up some brats, add some garlic salt and Cajun seasoning, and stick it in the oven. Then get into he car and pick up the wife from Hardee's.  Oh, by the way my wife's name is Melissa.

Okay, it's 3:37.  Eight minutes left. Shit.

Ah, my mind's going blank.

The oven just beeped. It's preheated to 350.

Okay, now what?  My mind is still blank. Don't you hate it when that happens. I do. Damn, damn, damn.

My feet are cold. I got 6 minutes to finish this. No time to put socks on. No time to find a blanket. For if I took time to do that then my minutes would be up. Um, so I'll just let them chill. One must make sacrifices. Cold feet are okay.

3:41. Um,... 3:42. Correcting typos takes up time. In fact, if I could type better I'd be able to write more. Spending too much time deleting and retyping. Oh, well. I guess the more I write the better my typing skills might become. I say might because I've never been a good typist.

3:45. Times up.


Saturday, January 3, 2015

Lean Not On Your Own Understanding

This morning as I was taking a shower something strange happened. A Bible verse washed across my mind.  “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to on your own understating.”  Now, when this sort of thing  this sort of thing happens I tend to let it flow.  After all, I was brought up in quite a religious situation. So having a Bible verse cross my mind isn't a shocker. What was strange is that it actually made sense.
WTF.  Yep, I know. Let me explain.  You see, at 43 I’m finally realizing I got a brain that  functions quite well.  At least that’s the impression I get from my wife, from brothers, my father, my friends, some co-workers, and strangers who so happen to take time to converse with me.  Um, I wonder.... perhaps I can use it to hook up with a sweet job. Even though I enjoy the one I’m at, I desire someday to write, research, edit images, and--ya know-- to be creative. Plus I like dealing with the public.

Back to the verse. To me thepart that made sense first was “lean not unto your own understanding.” Um.  Lean not on yourself,  in other words.  Don’t put too much cred into just you.  Many others know more than you.  Others know more about you than you.  Lean not unto your own understanding. Listen others, listen to their ideas. Cut loose the lower ideals you’ve been packing.  Listen to those who understand that you are more than you are.  Perhaps they are right.  If you lean on your own understanding you will never really climb, no matter how much you think you know.  Lean on the words and wisdom of others.  Your own understanding is cool but will only get you so far.

Have faith.  Lean on the words of those who have told you that you are more than you think you are-- that success ( not only material success) will come once you find your niche.  Lean not unto your own understanding. Float on the words of those who have insight no matter how learned they are,  how old they are, how rich or poor they are;  no matter their color,  creed, or ethnicity.  Adhere to the understanding of others.  Lean, hold, hug, and….jump.  Have faith.

Jump.  Yes, jump, take the leap into the abyss. Have faith.  Believe in the faith that others have in you. Your understanding of yourself consists of many conflicting arguments, all of which make sense  depending on what mood you are in at the moment.  Jump.  If you do not, then you will remain a thinker that  builds a pile of neglected dreams, hoarded ideas, jumbled imaginings, and  idle jots. Lean on the words of those around you—except the negative ones, fucking  assholes. Lean not unto your own understanding.  Jump.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart…” 

Lord?  I ain’t got  no Lord.  I’m an atheist, God damn it.

But wait.  Wait?  Yes Wait.  Can’t one insert something else important  in place of the word Lord, something perhaps as important to them as word Lord?
“Hell no, ain’t no thing gonna replace the Lord. He’s God. That would be blasphemy,” the purist believer says.   

“Nope, can’t do it.  To do so would be acknowledging the word ipso facto .  Fuck that.”  The God hating purist says.

"Chill," I say.  

You can insert whatever you wish. You can give the phrase focus that isn't God, a subject besides God, an important something (or someone) in life that you trust. 

For me it's people: those around me who see things I don't.  For me it is friends, family, teachers, professors, and strangers that have over the years pointed out the positive possibilities in me.  Even though I have ignored their words for many years, I thank them.  At of 43 I’m (finally) starting to think about what they’ve said and to trust them.  I’m not sure how I’m going to show my trust, but I will.  I hope to do it in such as way as to make them all proud. Thanks.

To them I raise my beer. To them I write this prose. “Trust in the Lord with all  your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”   I was thinking about deconstructing the verses around it, or even the all of Proverbs 3. But  as I look  back at what I’ve written I ain’t seeing the need in that.  I’ve already said what needed to be said. Trust in the positive people with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding...or something like that.  Cheers and have a nice day. Peace to all.  Love and smiles.